

Got a Mac, iPhone, iPad, or AppleTV?

November 2, 2020. 'How do you put into words the work and creativity the girls at Inkdrop have done for our school? I don’t think I can articulate the sense of ease and fun and the creativity that has come from the team at Inkdrop! We are so impressed and happy with the work; it was done in such a professional yet relaxing way. Inkdrop is an artsy bitmap to vector converter. Command line interface. The CLI binary is called inkdrop-cli and reads almost any image bitmap format via the -input parameter and outputs an SVG document given by the -output parameter. How is Inkdrop different from Boostnote - open source notetaking app for programmers with markdown support & available on Windows, Mac & Linux. Curiousgal on June 6, 2016 –. At Ink&Drop we create high quality, beautiful art prints for your home or office. Styles ranging from street art, botanical art, customisable prints, to Scandinavian style minimal prints, we have something for every style of interior design.

InkDrop Media Group is a San Diego, CA based training and consulting company dedicated to help individuals and small businesses make the most of their Macs and Apple iOS devices.

We provide a number of consulting and creative services as well as personal and group training to help you become more comfortable and experienced with Macs, Mobile Devices, and their software.

Experienced, Patient, and Passionate about the Mac and iOS devices.

Helping Apple enthusiasts since 1990.

Inkdrop Durban

Try Us Today!

Call: 858-259-2017 for assistance or e-mail:

All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of the respective companies.

Markdown notes windows

Yes we’re still around, and now were back… just on a smaller scale. just 140 characters at a time.

Inkdrop Styles

InkDrop is moving to Twitter for a while. T and I have been too busy with real life/work and have been neglecting our beloved mini awesome blog for too long. We have been Twittering tho. So we figured, why not just move InkDrop and do the same thing we do here and post all the good links and cool stuff to a 140 format.

Android Markdown App

So my friends (if there are any left), if you have a Twitter account just add @Ink_Drop and start following us. if you don’t have an account, let InkDrop be your excuse to get one.

Inkdrop Editor

See you there.

Inkdrop Hillcrest

Check it
Twiter @Ink_Drop