Evernote Webdav

Browse documents in any cloud storage (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, Evernote, WebDAV, SMB, iCloud etc.) Upload and download documents directly in FasterScan. Transfer Data Transfer data from your previous iOS device to your new iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You can export all scans to. Learn how to scan directly to WebDAV, SharePoint, Evernote, Google Drive, or SugarSync with Document Capture Pro. Visit https://epson.com/support. Automatic Upload is available for Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneNote, OneDrive, Evernote or any WebDAV server. Scanner Pro will upload a copy of all files you create in the storage of your choice. Note: It only works for new and updated scans, the ones you had in the app before setting auto-upload have to be uploaded manually. Notionis a note-taking, collaboration, and project management software that can be.

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  3. Evernote Webdav
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Why Migrate Google Drive to OneDrive?

Nowadays, more and more users are trying to store their data on cloud storage drives. Many cloudstoragedrives provide a certain storage space for free, and because of this, a lot of users sign up formanyaccounts or using more than one cloud drives for more free storage space.

There are a lot of users using both Google Drive and OneDrive. When you register one Google DriveorOneDrive account, you will get 15 GB or 5 GB free storage space. While using those two clouddrives, youmay want to transfer files from Google Driveto OneDrivefor data backup or to distinguish between work data and personal data, including docs, sheets,photos,videos, etc. But, there comes one question on how to move from Google Drive to OneDrive?

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Luckily, there are total 4 free and easy to operate solutions in this article, three of which arecommonways, and the last one is a new way which is very polular because it can save you a lot oftime.

How to Move Files from Google Drive to OneDrive in Common Ways?

Method 1. Download and Upload

Evernote Webdav

The traditional way is to download files from Google Drive to your local hard drive, then, uploadthem toOneDrive.

Method 2. Share Certain Files to OneDrive account

The “Share” feature of cloud drives enables you to share files from Google Drive to OneDrive. Nomatteryou share target files one by one or in one time through a folder, you have to go “Shared withme” folderand copy target files out to another folder. Then, rename target files one by one to permanentlypossessthem.

Method 3. Archive whole Google Drive to OneDrive

If your account is a G Suite account for education, you can directly archive all files in yourGDrive toOneDrive.

Step 1. Sign in your Google account and enter https://takeout.google.com/u/3/settings/takeout.
Step 2. In “Download your data” screen, under select your data to include, makesure“Drive” is enabled. Then, click “NEXT”.

Step 3. Under “Delivery method”, select “Add to OneDrive”.

Step 4. Click “Link account and create export” to connect your OneDrive account and exportallGoogle Drive data to OneDrive.

Note: Once the files are uploaded to OneDrive, Google Drive is no longer responsiblefor thefiles and the content in the export is covered by the provider's terms.

All ways above can help transfer from Google Drive to OneDrive but they are a little bit complexand may take a lot of time if the file size is very large and the network is not in goodcondition. In thefollowing part, you'll find a best and faster way to achieve Google Drive to OneDrivemigration.

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How to Move Files from Google Drive to OneDrive in Efficient Way?

Fortunately, there is a FREE oneline cloud transfer manager tool,MultCloud, which can not only help sync Google Drive withOneDrive directlywithout downloading and uploading but also can manage multiple cloud drive accounts from oneplatfrom fortransferring files across clouds.


It supports Google Drive, G Suite, OneDrive, OneDrive For Business, Dropbox, Dropbox Business,Box,Amazon S3, SugarSync, Alfresco, hubiC, Evernote, CloudMe, Cubby, MyDrive, WEB.DE, Yandex,HiDrive, MySQL,Flickr, MediaFire, ownCloud, ADrive, Baidu, MEGA, WebDAV, pCloud, Egnyte, Backblaze andFTP/SFTP. WithMultCloud, you can easily manage multiple cloud drives, copy, migrate and transfer dataflexibly.

To move Google Drive to OneDrive, you could follow the steps below:

Step 1. Create an account for getting a right to use MultCloud. If you do not want to create oneaccount,it would be better if you click 'Experience without signing up' so you'llget one temp account immediately.

Step 2. Add your Google Drive and OneDrive to MultCloud by clicking 'Add Cloud Drives'.Selectthem and follow the prompt to add them into MultCloud account one by one.

Step 3. To copy Google Drive to OneDrive, here you should go to 'Cloud Transfer' tab,specifysource and destination cloud respectively as Google Drive and OneDrive. Then, click “TransferNow”button and wait for the process to complete.

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Finally, all your files will be transferred successfully.


Evernote Webdav


  • If you want to transfer files from Google Drive to OneDrive, while creating the task,you couldenable 'Delete all source files after transfer is complete.' under'Options' soMultCloud will delete all your files saved in Google Drive automatically after thetransfer iscomplete.

  • If you do not want to transfer whole Google Drive to OneDrive, you can select foldersyou want totransfer under Google Drive as the source.
  • For “Cloud Transfer” feature, it supports transferring folder only. If you want totransfer severalfiles separately, please use “Copy” and “Paste” feature through “CloudExplorer”.
  • MultCloud is free to use. But if you want to test the super-fast transfer speed, youcould upgrade your account topremium account so MultCloud uses 10 threads to move your files.


Following any solution above, it can help move files from Google Drive to OneDrive. However, ifyour datasize is a little bit large and your Inetnet connection is not good, then you may need to use theMultCloudto achieve your demand.

Evernote Replacement

Besides, MultCloud can do a lot for managing your cloud drives. If you want to sync Google Photos with OneDrive,you canuse 'Cloud Sync' utility and if you want to move files from oneGoogle Drive toanother, you can use 'Cloud Explorer' feature. It is worth to use if you havemultiple clouddrives.

It would be great if Evernote could create support for people to store their information on a personal password-protected webDAV server. This would put individuals back in control of their own data by allowing customers to encrypt all their data with their own key and store it on their own server of choice. Perhaps a new version of Evernote could be sold purely as a software product with no subscription -- customers could simply purchase a WebDAV-capable version of the Evernote software and phone app. This new webDAV version of Evernote could exist side by side with the subscription version -- customers could choose which version suits them best.

For those customers who might prefer to stay with the current subscription model, it would be nice to see Evernote eventually offer to subscribers the option to encrypt all stored data using the strongest encryption available, and using a user-specified encryption key, so that only the individual users themselves are able to decrypt the information. Many users use Evernote as a kind of digital File-cabinet, and it would be nice if the files were as secure as those stored in a physical file cabinet.