Note: If the Joy-Con and Joy-Con strap are not placed as shown below, the Joy-Con may be attached incorrectly.
The Joy-Con straps are positioned properly when the - symbol on the left Joy-Con is aligned with the - symbol on one of the Joy-Con straps, and the the + symbol on the right Joy-Con is aligned with the + symbol on the other Joy-Con strap, as shown below:
- Ensure the slide lock at the bottom of the Joy-Con strap is in the unlocked position.
- Carefully slide the Joy-Con downward.
- To detach the Joy-Con straps it is not necessary to press the release button on the back of the Joy-Con controller.
The Nintendo Joy-Con wrist strap placed in the unlocked position Carefully slide the Joy-Con downward. To detach the Joy-Con straps it is not necessary to press the release button on the back of. Did you manage to get your Joy-con wrist strap stuck the wrong way round? Well that was silly. Here's how to remove it without breaking it. No tools needed.
Joy Con Strap Nintendo Switch
The Joy-Con strap in the unlock position Make sure the Joy-Con straps are correctly oriented. To ensure the Joy-Con straps are positioned properly with the Joy-Con controllers, align the - symbol. There didn't seem to be much help online for this problem, so I thought I'd contribute.:P-. Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Wrist Strap Gray (HACAJATGA) 2 pair 4 total. Genuine Nintendo Switch Joy Con Controller Grip and Wrist Strap Set - OEM. Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Strap Wrist Strap Attachment. Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing joy-Con (L) / (R) and straps limited japan New.