Adobe Captivate 2019

Adobe captivate 2019 trial
Security hotfix available for Adobe Captivate | APSB21-06

Adobe Captivate 2019 Release

Bulletin IDDate PublishedPriority
APSB21-06January 12, 20213

If you do not already have a Captivate installed in your system, go to your Adobe product page, and download Captivate (2019 release) Update 4. Double-click the.dmg file. On the panel, click the folder Adobe Captivate 2019. Introducing the biggest ever free update for Adobe Captivate (2019 release) users. Create beautiful, mobile-ready courses in minutes with the all-new Quick Start Projects, ready-to. Now available: Mac OS Catalina compatible Adobe Captivate update for 2019 release users. Asset Panel not loading in Adobe Captivate (2019 release)? Read More to find a solution. This document contains late-breaking product information, updates, and troubleshooting tips not covered in the Adobe Captivate documentation. “Adobe Captivate 2019: The Essentials (Second Edition)” is a self-paced workbook that teaches the core Captivate 2019 (version 11.5) skills needed to create eLearning courses. You will follow step-by-step instructions and learn how to create a soft-skills lesson from scratch. Adobe Captivate (2019 release) For Advanced eLearning Create multi-module branched courses Achieve branching without programming. Ensure your learners complete each module of the course before they can attempt the assessment.

Adobe Captivate 2019

Adobe Captivate 2019 Download

Adobe has released a security hotfix for Adobe Captivate. This hotfix addresses an important vulnerability. Successful exploitation could lead to privilege escalation in the context of the current user.

Adobe Captivate 201911.5.1.499 and earlier versions Windows

Adobe categorizes these updates with the following priority ratings and recommends users update their installation to the newest version:

Adobe Captivate 2019 HotfixWindows
3Tech note


1. Download

2. Unzip the file

3. Replace the existing server.js file in “C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 2019 x64ns”

Adobe captivate 2019 powerpoint import

4. Restart Adobe Captivate

Vulnerability CategoryVulnerability ImpactSeverityCVE Number
Uncontrolled Search Path ElementPrivilege Escalation ImportantCVE-2021-21011

Adobe would like to thank Xavier DANEST from Decathlon for reporting this issue and for working with Adobe to help protect our customers.